Happy October! We are well into spooky season with a bunch of funky planetary energies on top of what 2020 has been so far. So I thought I'd share something fun, something witchy and a good way to justify all those crystal purchases. ;) If you follow me on social media (@tinyhealer), you may have noticed I like to do crystal grids as part of my personal practice. (Among other things, 2020 has refined how I use my energy and take care of myself.) Truthfully, there are a multitude of ways to do a crystal grid. Therefore, my way is not the only way. My way was developed over time, incorporating what I have learned here and there about crystals and other people's grid practices. I also incorporate what I've learned from energy healing modalities I specialize in. I encourage you to use your intuition when and where you can. Incorporate knowledge you've acquired where it feels right. Make it meaningful to you. The ritual aspect of these magic and energetic practices is my favorite. Energy generally needs structure and I am in favor of structure in all areas of life. Structure channels and focuses the energy and gives it form. Therefore I have a preference for a certain amount of structure to honor the ritual aspect in crystal gridding. Here is my approach to it. Materials & Considerations
Steps 1. CLEANSE the space as well as all the tools one will use. Burn some sage, copal, palo Santo, spray your favorite aura mist. Use and do whatever calls out or whatever one has on hand. One can even use a combination of these. CLEAR your space with the intention to weed out the clutter, energetic debris in the outer space as well as the inner space to have better clarity and less obstacles in the outer world as well as the inner world. 2. DECIDE ON AN INTENTION. Take time to figure this out. What is it that one wants? Check in on the deepest parts of you. Write it down. Imagine, feel, smell, see, hear the intention/manifestation coming to life. It can be a wish, a prayer, an experience, a feeling or even healing. Write it all down. 3. GATHER your materials and begin setting up. Choose stones based on their properties AND intuitively. Continue to SET UP your space by placing the piece of paper under the grid cloth. 4. Begin laying the crystals out. Start with the focus stone in the center then intuitively start to lay out the support stones outside of it, following the geometric pattern on your grid cloth. As one does this, keep the intention in mind. One can even summarize it into a short phrase or a single word and use it as an internal mantra while laying out the crystals. 5. ACTIVATE the grid by using a crystal wand or one’s finger to connect all the crystals. Trace the pattern by going from one stone to the next, emphasizing the connection between the crystals. Continue until all lines between the crystals have been connected. You can also do this with your mind’s eye, seeing the universal energy flow through the focus crystal and stream out to the rest of the grid and crystals. 6. ALLOW THE MAGIC to flow in and happen. If one is going to let the layout stay out for a longer period of time, cleanse, charge and reactivate the grid every few days to keep the energy clear. 7. CLOSING the GRID. Cleanse the crystals and grid one more time. Give oneself a moment to recall the intention. Feel the energy of it already existing in some time and space. Soak that feeling in one last time. Send gratitude to your guides, angels, to God, the universe or other deities that have helped it arrive. Then carefully begin to put each crystal away in a bowl or platter. Let the focus stone be the last piece that goes into the bowl or platter. Cleanse and let them recharge with the cleansing crystals in the bowl or simply let the grid crystals recharge on the window sill with the moonlight. (This is a way to show reverence for the tools used to thank them and honor them for their services) Essentially, make it meaningful. Make it your practice. Use your intuition but also inform it. Balance what feels right with some knowledge and structure too.
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Isabel Robles
Ramblings of the soul. Archives
October 2020